Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Snow Leopard

Well, Snow Leopard comes out in like 2 weeks, so I'm getting excited for that. I'll let you all know how it goes!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Upgrade Complete!

Well, I upgraded just like I said, and it all works swimmingly. I have over 275GB (GIGABYTES!!!) of free space, and with the 2GB of RAM, I currently have exactly 30 windows open in 4 spaces, including a video and there's no lag to speak of. Beautiful. I want to make one addendum to my last post, though. I might not pick up Snow Leopard, because I think it's designed for 64-bit systems. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I only have the Core Duo processor, and it's 32 bit. Oh well, Leopard's an awesome OS. My iPod is doing great, of course (I don't see how people break these things, I have mine without a case in my pocket all day and the touch screen is flawless. I can't wait to see what Apple cooks up for a new iPhone (front facing camera, anyone?) and I hope it coincides with when my Verizon plan expires.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

UPGRADE TIME!!1!!!1!1!!!1!

YES! CHristmas is coming and it's time to upgrade my MacBook! Even though right now I am running exactly 20 windows (including Garageband) on my 1GB of RAM and Lola (yeah, I named my computer, so what?) isn't even breaking a sweat, I'm doubling my pleasure and picking up the 2GB upgrade kit. I figure, if it can do all this now, what can it do with double the volatile memory!? To support my ever-growing music collection, I'll also be upgrading to a 500GB internal drive. Since I can't imagine filling it with music, i's safe to assume that my collection of ridiculous software I really don't need (what is Shake for anyways?) will be growing. Of course, I'll be picking up Snow Leopard when it comes up, but that looks to be a long ways away. These upgrades should keep me content (and how) for now!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New MacBooks = OMG

Ok, so the new MacBooks/MacBook Pros, besides being sexy on the outside, have redefined sexy on the inside as well. The new MacBook Pro has two graphics cards. The higher end one has 32 cores and is the best notebook card on the market today. With the imminent release of Snow Leopard, those 32 cores will make it one of the most powerful computers out there. So there, PC users who only use Windows to play games. You are about to be dominated by a veritable gaming Mac. Now to get a copy of Crysis and watch the graphical goodness.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Well, it has been a VERY long time since I posted my Mac-pinion, and much has happened in the meantime. I purchased an iPod Touch quite a while back, and I am still in awe of the technology. It's an 8GB model, which is a downgrade from my 30 GB iPod Video capacity wise, but certainly not in any other way. I seem to be able to fit all the music I really want to listen to on it. I did install Leopard (obviously) and it's amazing. The only thing I was wrong about in my last "expectations" post was that iChat would be the best ever. It may be very, very good, but on my system it seems to have problems with staying online, and as a result I'm still using Adium as my IM client.

The new iPhone 3G comes out in about two weeks, and with it the iPhone 2.0 software upgrade (which includes the App Store). I'm very excited to be able to direct download applications to my iPod Touch, but I'm a bit worried that there may not be as many free apps as people are thinking.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Mas OS X 10.5: Leopard

Ok, I should be installing the new OS within the hour, so I'm going to post my expectations:

-It will have hands-down the best IM client (iChat) with it's new abilities (Desktop Sharing, anyone?)
-Quick Look will be the biggest RAM-saver ever. Not having to open MS Word to look at documents? It's like a dream come true!
-The new Finder will be much easier to use, and hopefully won't make all those "ghost files" like it sometimes did before.
-The new iCal/Mail/Address Book/iChat combo will be a more powerful suite than the Outlook portion of Office.

Those are my hopes and dreams for this OS, and I know it won't disappoint.

Details on the results hopefully to follow later on tonight!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

iPod Nano


They're soooooo small! I'm seriously considering trading my 30 GB iPod Video for one of those!

I seriously had not realized just how thin they were. the screen isn't lacking, either. $200?

Worth it.